Sustainability and production

Since DAFFY BOARDS was founded, we have always tried to source our products as sustainably and regionally as possible and thus give something back to nature. 

We pay close attention to transport routes, use regional and sustainable production partners wherever possible, have optimized and reduced our packaging expenditure as far as possible and are a member of the Green Dot so that the remaining packaging waste can also be fed into the recycling cycle.

Trusted Shop - Excellent Shop

We are proud to carry the Trusted Shops Excellent Shop award and do everything we can to offer you an outstanding shopping experience. Our goal is to exceed your expectations and offer you the best possible service.

Cooperation Hof Belke

We come from Cologne and the Sauerland. The Sauerland is a region characterized by a lot of forest. In recent years, several million cubic meters of wood have had to be felled due to climate change and its consequences.

Drone footage shows the devastating extent of the felling work - the Sauerland is no longer recognizable. Areas that were previously covered by forest are now bare. 

The only option is to replant, even if this is complex and time-consuming. 

We would like to support this. 

Together with our partner, the non-profit Hof Belke UG, we want to promote both youth work and nature conservation. 

In a greenhouse, young trees are grown by children and young people so that they can later be planted and future generations can once again find a landscape marked by the forest. 

The children and young people not only learn how to grow trees, but also acquire and experience important values ​​and beliefs for their future lives: awareness of climate change and its consequences, empathy, cooperation and communication in the group, the relevance of animal and nature conservation, health and body awareness as well as a fundamental love of nature.

Belke Farm

We support this project with 1€ per product sold (streetwear and accessories included) 

Products and manufacturing

Our boards are made in our carpentry shop in Leverkusen (near Cologne) using wood from Germany. 

The black anti-slip mat comes from the Sauerland and is made from recycled material. 

The cork mats and our rolls come from Portugal and are produced there under fair conditions.

We also source the cardboard boxes from the Sauerland region. These are produced especially for us in order to make them as optimized as possible. This means our boards fit perfectly into the boxes and we can avoid unnecessary packaging material. We have had this confirmed by the DerGrünePunkt certificate .

We try to produce our products as environmentally friendly as possible and to avoid unnecessary delivery routes.

By the way, our boards are TÜV Süd tested and comply with the ISO 20957-1 standard.